štvrtok 10. novembra 2011

Good, Bad and Ugly

Our task was to find three companies, good, bad amd ugly in terms of ethics and thanks to our good friend google I found these three:

Ethisphere.com makes every year a competition, where the winner earbn title of World's Most Ethical Company and one of these titles in category Specialty Retail last year won Sweden company IKEA. "
In September 2005 IKEA Social Initiative was formed to manage the company's social involvements on a global level. IKEA Social Initiative is headed by Marianne Barner. The main partners to IKEA Social Initiative are UNICEF and Save the Children." And these just few good and ethical things that IKEA is doing.

For bad company I choose Nivea, but not because this company is bad in general, but just because one mistake they made. As I wrote few months ago about their advertisment: "The billboards shown up in US, but they really didn't stay for very long time. Few days after campaign had begun, people start to complain about racism in this advertisement. This group understands this advertisement as insult of black people as in the billboard we can see the black model throwing away the mask of “uncivilized” black man." And this was why the Nivea became Bad company for few days.

As ugly company I choose Barrick Gold Corporation and for explaining I will cite Huffingtonpost.com:"Twelfth worst in the Covalence ranking is Barrick, the Toronto-based gold-mining corporation. Allegations against the company include charges that it had a hand in the burning of at least 130 homes near its Porgera Mine in Papua New Guinea and that it manipulated land titles in Australia and Chile. The company was also blamed in a toxic spill in Tanzania that left dangerous levels of arsenic in the area around its North Mara mine, and its attempts to mine the Pascua Lama region along the Argentina-Chile border were associated with a 56-70% shrinking of nearby glaciers."

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